Friday, January 22, 2010

Web 2.0 Challenge 12

These were indeed a little addicting. If I had more time to really look, I'm sure I could find ones that I would use. As it is, I added "Ani-weather," "Reminder Fox," "Coloured Tabs," and "Speed Dial."

When I tried to screencast using screen jelly, it took the picture of that screen rather than the speed dial screen...but oh well.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Makes you think!

Stumbled upon this video while perusing the MENC Band Forums. It was filmed live and features the Notre Dame Marching about thinking out of the box!

OK Go - This Too Shall Pass from OK Go on Vimeo.

I should also mention that those are the same marching uniforms we have here...just in different colors...complete with ruffles!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Web 2.0 Challenge 11

A screencast of my band calender...inventive, I know.