Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Web 2.0 Challenge 4

I have now created a page for the Prowler Bands, and have signed the band up for Twitter as well. While I was creating my FB page, I noticed that you can link FB to Twitter, which means I don't have to go to both sites to post. Anything I post on my FB page will automatically go to Twitter. Score! I'm all about making things easier.

I was bragging to a student about my wonderful new "techy" skills, and that student went farther and created a group for the band as well...maybe this will catch on? That student, however, also informed me that Twitter is for "old people..." Hhhmm...we'll see.

I was addicted to FB way before this challenge, and I have a personal Twitter acct, but I don't post a whole lot. I enjoy reading what the celebraties are doing, though. :)

My question and plea for help is: how do you get the Twitter and FB buttons on our school webpage?? As long as we have the pages, we may as well link them somehow.

1 comment:

  1. Go to Google images and grab any Twitter or FB image of your choosing. Upload it into a multi-content or custom page (use advanced editor) and enable it as a link to you FB or Twitter pages.

    Or you could create buttons along the left side of your website that are direct links to your Twitter or FB pages.

    Both FB and Twitter also offer badge creators where you can embed code into your website that will link directly to your pages. A little more technical in nature, but effective as well.
